Summer 2022 Health & Safety Updates
We are proud to have been able to run a safe, successful, and Covid-free summer in 2021. As we prepare for Summer 2022, we will use what we learned from last summer, along with the latest research and continued direction from our medical team.
As camp approaches, we will continue to update our plans, policies, and procedures at the recommendation of the CDC, Local and State Health Departments, American Camp Association (ACA), American, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and our Medical Team and will share more information about our 2022 policies later this spring.
We will be updating this page and will notify camp families when updates have been made.
We, along with our team, are always available to discuss any individual concerns you may have.
The health and safety of the entire Horseshoe Family has always been and continues to be our number one priority while providing a safe, fun, and incredible experience for our campers and staff.
We are proud to have been able to run a safe, successful, and Covid-free summer in 2021. As we prepare for Summer 2022, we will use what we learned from last summer, along with the latest research and continued direction from our medical team.
After careful consideration and with unanimous support from our medical team, we are requiring COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters (for those eligible) for all campers and staff.
A vaccination requirement will be one of the most important safety measures, along with revised testing, cleaning, hygiene, and mitigation strategies. Having our campers and staff vaccinated will allow us to have as normal a summer as possible. The health of our community is at the forefront of this decision which will limit the potential spread of COVID-19 at camp and drastically reduce the risk of severe illness should someone become infected.
By requiring everyone to be vaccinated, we hope to run a safe and healthy summer, while restoring the program structure that is at the heart of a summer at Horseshoe. By having a fully vaccinated camp community, we anticipate reducing or eliminating early quarantine procedures, daily masking, multiple testing requirements and other Summer 2021 protocols. While masking and testing may still be required at times, our hope is to at least reduce the frequency with this updated policy. Our plan is to be able to have fully vaccinated guests join us to help with staff training, operations, and programming, as well as run Father/Son, Rookie and Visiting Weekends.
As camp approaches, we will continue to update our plans, policies, and procedures at the recommendation of the CDC, Local and State Health Departments, American Camp Association (ACA), American, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and our Medical Team and will share more information about our 2022 policies later this spring. All campers and staff will be required to upload vaccination cards to their My CampMinder account.
Please note that, like our existing vaccination policy, medical or religious exemptions will be considered with a letter from a licensed physician. Anyone who will be claiming a medical or religious exemption must do so before March 30, 2022, to be considered.
Last summer, we worked hard to create a safe “haven” and it was a big success! We embraced all our traditions, filled the mess hall with spirit and appreciated the little things that make camp special. We can’t wait to do it all again!
We cannot be more thankful for your partnership over the years, and especially during the last two, as we, along with our team make the best decisions we can for our camp community.
Hail to the Forest!
Summer 2021 Health & Safety Updates
All campers and staff, regardless of vaccination status, must participate in only low-risk behaviors for 7 days prior to their arrival at Camp. Low Risk is outlined in the risk chart as #1-3. During the 7 days prior to camp, campers and staff should limit contact to members of the household only. This includes no day camps, team sports, travel teams, after school activities, end of school gatherings, events, pool parties, good-bye dinners, garage get-togethers, etc.
Remember that the goal is to have everyone be able to participate in camp. These low-risk behaviors will help ensure that your camper will likely have a negative PCR test before arriving at Camp AND will also have a negative PCR test when we test at Camp.
You are our partners in risk mitigation. We are pleading with our camp families to help us create our safe haven. Your actions have a direct impact on our camp community.
The buses will leave on Monday, June 21st (1st session) and Sunday, July 18th (2nd session) from Niles North High School in Skokie, IL. We will be staggering the departure times by age group in order to lessen the number of people at the bus stop.
Only campers will be allowed out of the cars, please give your son a big hug before heading to the buses. We will email more specific information as camp gets closer.
Please pack your son a nut free lunch with a drink. We will stop and eat in a safe location on the way to camp.
For campers flying to Minneapolis, We will meet the boys at the airport and take them to a safe location for lunch provided by camp.
Regardless of vaccination status, campers will wear masks while traveling to camp.
One of the most important components of running a camp during a pandemic is your son’s modified pre-camp behaviors for 7 days prior to camp (only low risk activities #1-3). We also require a negative COVID PCR test prior to your son’s departure for camp, regardless of vaccination status.
Test #1: Pre-Arrival PCR Test
Test #2: Camper PCR Test Day 3
Test #3: Camper PCR Test Day 6
For campers taking the bus to camp, we have SHIELD Illinois testing set up for your son the day prior to his departure. All testing will be done between 8am-12pm at Northbrook Court in Northbrook, IL. We will email more specific instructions as camp gets closer.
For campers flying to Minneapolis, all campers flying to Minneapolis are required to show proof of a negative PCR COVID test taken within 72 hours of flight departure. Please email us the negative test results when you receive them.
We will also test throughout the summer as needed. We have the ability to run rapid antigen COVID-19 tests at camp as well as provide RT PCR testing with results within 24 hours.
Cohorting is one of the best ways to reduce the likelihood of the spread of the virus in community settings. We will start off in small pods which will be expanded to larger groups based on test results and consultation with our medical team. It is our goal to function as one camp as soon as possible. All meals will be outside in our tent this summer and cabins will sit together.
Stage 1:
- One or two bunks will travel together.
- Masks will be required at all times except when eating or in their cabin.
- Big and Little Brothers will be able to tour camp with masks.
- Normal outdoor camp activities will take place with masks.
- On Day 3, all campers regardless of vaccination status will be PCR tested.
Stage 2:
- Cohorts will expand to the entire Division.
- Masks will only be required when not in Division.
- On Day 6, all campers regardless of vaccination status will be PCR tested.
Stage 3:
- One camp!
- Masks may be required when the entire camp is together.
Moving from stage to stage will be dependent on test results and guidance from our medical team. While we hope to always move forward, there may be times when we feel it is important to take additional precautions. The health and safety of our campers and staff will drive all of our decisions. Our goal is always to become one camp community.
Please pack your son 50 disposable masks for four week campers and 100 for full session campers.
While we are at camp, we always feel like we are in a “bubble”! This summer, we really are! In order to minimize the risk of the virus entering our community, we are creating a “bubble” to l allow us to limit who comes in and out of camp. To ensure we keep this intact, personal visitors will not be permitted this summer. This year’s staff time off will be organized and coordinated by Camp to limit interaction with the public.
We will NOT be able to accommodate any late arrivals to camp. All campers must arrive at camp on the first day of their enrolled session.
If your son tests positive before camp, he (along with any camp siblings) would be unable to come to camp until he isolates at home for 7-10 days, show proof of a negative PCR test and be cleared by his pediatrician and the camp doctor before he returns to camp.
If your son tests positive during the camp session, he will be isolated and we will ask him to be picked up from camp within 24-36 hours. Although we are confident we could care for your son, we believe it’s best for your son not to be at camp for the duration of his quarantine.
Remember, what happens at camp is completely dependent on what you do as parents with your son(s) prior to camp.
During a quarantine triggered by a positive case of COVID-19, Camp will administer daily screening for everyone in the “impacted” cohort and keep the cohort separate from the rest of the Camp. Those campers and staff would quarantine and participate in activities and meals as a group for 7-10 days. Contact tracing will help identify others who may need to be tested.
We will have three RN’s on our health care team, as well as an EMT. We also are very excited to announce our partnership with PediaTrust, a highly respected group of Chicago area pediatricians to provide telemedicine. Our Health Center team will be able to access pediatrician visits for our campers who need care while at camp. The pediatricians will be able to assess the boys, advise care, and even write prescriptions where necessary. More detailed information to follow in the coming weeks.
Yes! Our trips out of camp this summer will be wilderness trips in order to limit campers and staff interaction with the public. Instead of our typical trip days, we will be having new, fun theme days in camp.
You do not need to send your son any spending money this summer. We will provide everything they need.
The only exception is for Ranger campers (current 8-10th grade) as they may be allowed to order late night food.